Ugh! You got your period. Again.


Getting your period when you are expecting to get pregnant is the worst! No, we’re not being dramatic. It really is the worst!!

Even under the best of circumstances, a woman has a one in three chance of conceiving in any given cycle. This is great when you’re not trying to get pregnant. But for women who are trying to conceive, leaves two thirds of them heartbroken.

We get it. To help remedy that situation, here’s our guide to dealing with that very unwanted period.  

Day 1

Cry. For most of us, it happens automatically at the first sight of blood and the realization that yet again this is NOT our month. There is absolutely nothing wrong with crying. Crying is simply a way to hydrate your soul. It’s okay to cry at home, in a movie theater, with friends, with your partner or all alone. No one will judge you, we promise.  

Day 2

Rage.  It is 100% acceptable to move from self-pity to anger. The anger may erupt in places you may not expect; it can be directed at well-meaning relatives who ask “So when are you getting pregnant?” or at celebrities who claim yet another “oops” pregnancy.  Sure, the anger is often misdirected, but it’s also a powerful coping mechanism.

Day 3

Indulge.  By the third day, most of us have come to accept the fact that we are really, truly not pregnant this time. If that’s the case, bring on the sushi, some oysters, a glass of chardonnay - and anything else that is forbidden while actively trying. Listen to loud music. Stay up late. It’s your one day to celebrate that you are still a free agent completely in charge of your own body.

Day 4

Recommit. On day 4, usually the final day of a period, it is time to recommit to the task at hand. That might mean getting frisky with your partner or making the next appointment at your fertility clinic. This is the most critical day because this is the day to you accept that the only way to have a baby is to TRY to have a baby. Just know that you are not alone, millions of women on Glow share your journey and walk your path.