Please help me. I am so stressed about starting IVF.

I am feeling really down. 
I have done four rounds of <a href="">iui</a> with injectables for ovulation induction. 
This was done through a fertility specialist. 
All cycles failed and we were moving onto IVM (invitro maturation) and we fell pregnant natuarally with our rainbow in Jan this year. It had a perfect little heartbeat and we watched him/her move and then at 12 weeks the little heart had stopped. 
My new doctor discovered I have an autoimmune disease which is probably why we lost the baby because the tissue tested was otherwise normal. 
I have since been doing OI with tamoxifen and been trying our hardest to conceive somewhat naturally the last three months but I just can't do this ang more. 
I know that compared to what some couples go through, my experience is so insignificant but I just can't pick myself up at the moment. 
Please give me some reassurance that <a href="">IVF</a> is  not so bad and not so hard (I know it is and would be). 
I hate feeling like the failure I do-how do you ladies get past this?? 
Please please don't be offended by any of my words, that really isn't my intention. I'm just reaching out for support. 
Baby dust to all you strong women❤️