
DISCLAIMER: This post is not meant to upset or attack anyone. If you feel annoyed by the topic of veganism in anyway, please do not read what I have read and move on. This is not a place for negativity. But feel free to comment any positive opinions you may have. Thank you. 
I know this is kind of a touchy subject for some people and the word vegan alone gives a negative image in some people's minds but hear me out, I'm not one of those aggressive vegans telling you that you're a terrible person or anything. My goal is to educate those who don't really know about the topic! So here I go.
First of all, being on this app, I've seen a lot of posts by pregnant women asking if eating certain foods are okay while pregnant or breast feeding. This had me thinking. If these foods, which the majority of them are animal products, (meat, fish, dairy, cheese) are not good for the baby while you are pregnant, what makes people think that you should eat them while you're not? 
Let's face it, we have all heard things like, "reduce your red meat consumption" "you need to watch your cholesterol" "make sure your meat is fully cooked before eating" so on. Don't these warnings make you think that these things we eat on a daily basis are not good for us? It is proven that the leading cause of American deaths is heart disease which is highly linked to the consumption of animal products. The food you are eating is literally killing you. 
Now on to dairy which I have the biggest problem with. Think about it, female cows produce milk for their babies, just as humans, dogs, cats and all other mammals do for their young. Why is it normal to drink the milk from another species let alone FEED IT TO YOUR CHILD? Cows milk is specially made to make a baby cow turn into a very large cow. Not to be given to a human child. Even if it is labeled "hormone free" this is a lie. Synthetic hormone free, yes. But cows milk has natural growth hormones in it just as human breast milk does for babies. 
All of this is simply health related but veganism goes further than that. It is about the animals and the earth we live on as well. I could go on forever about the topic but I won't unless you have any questions you want to ask me. No, I'm not a doctor but I am passionate on the topics and have researched nearly every avenue there is. Thank you for reading and please consider what I have said. Have an amazing day 😊
EDIT: THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE AN ARGUMENT. I am simply sharing what I know to be true. If you want to argue and try to prove me wrong, this is not the place. People have opposing opinions which is completely acceptable but I will not try and compete to argue over the Internet. 

ANOTHER ADDITION: If you are opposed to the lifestyle of being vegan, I was right in your spot 2 years ago. I was eating meat, dairy, fish, eggs you name it. Then I EDUCATED myself and found the truth. Yes it is difficult because we have all been told that these things are good for us from birth but listen, it's almost 2017. Times need to change for our health, for the animals and for the planet.