IVF & Vasovagal Response

Jillian • Blessed mama to 2 littles. 💙💙
I've grown up with vasovagal syncope. I've always passed out when getting needles. The last few months (since about April) when I started the process of infertility testing I've found ways to get over it and I'm now at a point where the weekly bloodwork and trigger shots are no biggy. However, i an starting <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> next month & was told I'll have to be able to inject myself. Why my husband can't idk but I was told I do have to be able to. Now the last time I saw a needle in person (back in high school) I passed out. I've been doing good seeing them in pictures and on tv and I know I'll overcome this because i will do anything to get pregnant. I'm just wondering if anyone else has this and has overcome it. Thanks for reading!