What may this rash be?

Hey yall! So I m wondering what this rash may be. Its on the side of my arm, under my arm, on shoulder and neck. It s little patches and itchy. I thought it may be bed bugs so I did everything youre suppose to, to get rid of them yet the rash keeps spreading. I have been nauseated bad,and lightheaded but I assumed it was my birth control causing that. But I ve been taking the pill (yaz) for 4 months now. I have no known allergies. I tried taking benadryl, it didn t work. its not very bumpy/inflamed but there is bumps. Also orangy/red. I work in childcare and concerned maybe a kid passed it to me. Going to a doctor soon but military appts usually take awhile to schedule. Id appreciate any feedback. Thanks yall! Sorry for bad quality!