Is it just me...

Am I the only person who made a promise to a guy not to fall for him because he couldn't commit then fell for him anyways? Am I the only person who then allowed him to live with me for a year? Am I the only person stupid enough to continue loving him after he said that we were nothing more than roommates who have sex and have love for one an other? Am I the only person who would still bend over backwards for him even though he is currently with someone else and I'm home in bed crying? Am I the only person stupid enough to fall in love with someone who can't love me the way I love him..? Am I the only person who then agreed to being only physical with him so he'd 'd still be in my life? Am I the only one desperate enough to want to do this just to keep him in my life??

P.s. I'd rather keep him in my life as the s.o. he was... before I pushed him away... before he started going out with someone else.

P.p.s. I'd rather not being doing this at all but I feel like it's the only way to keep him in my life and I love him too much to just let him walk away...