I feel so guilty. My husband and I hate our dog

So shortly after getting married my grandfather gave me a wedding gift of $2000. In shock and excitement I quickly started looking for dogs as I've always wanted one but never had *that* much money to be able to buy one. We got a prebred Australian shepherd puppy. Forward to 6 months later and my husband and I are SO unhappy being around our dog. He gets *overly* excited ALL the time. He just peed all over my arms today when I was about to take him out and I went to pet him. He has accidents every single day, if I take my eye off of him (I work from home so I get focused sometimes) he's scavenging eating stuff he shouldn't be eating and ripping things apart like my jacket, and I can't even hug or cuddle him because he jumps around and is really big and strong and hurts me every time I do and sometimes he just randomly PISSES on me and now I'm worried he'll hurt the baby because I'm pregnant so I don't even feel comfortable hugging him. I hate going out on walks, we live in a town home with no yard I thought I would be fine with it but I hate taking him out and I don't even like going on walks. Any time I go out or have people over he JUMPS all over them and I can't control him because he's so big and he doesn't listen when he's excited. I've brought him to obedience classes for this for two months once a week and nothing changed at all he got worse if anything and now we can't afford it because we're trying to save up for the baby. He makes my cats feel scared and always makes me stressed out because I have to keep telling him "NO" "STAY" "LAY DOWN" because he keeps doing bad things and he doesn't listen!!! I feel so guilty because I keep thinking about giving him away but I feel so bad just even thinking about it because it feels wrong because we're all he knows and he grew up with us. And also it sucks thinking if we give him away we wasted $2k+ which would mean so much right now . I know I'm a monster and I made the choice to have this dog. I just wish I didn't and it sucks. Just had to rant somewhere so hopefully I can stop crying about this.
He is 9 months old turning 10 soon.
Thanks for all the helpful words how could I forget this app is filled with more hate than I could imagine. I was ready for bashing but some of you take your words a little too far. First of all I would never put him in a shelter. Secondly I spend all the time I can with him training and training and training I tried using positive reinforcement/clicker training in the beginning literally since I got him I've been training him constantly then I realized that wasn't working even with all the patience in the world, and I moved on to using positive reinforcement but also have been telling him NO when he does something bad and I have him lay down near the front and I don't reinforce bad behavior. I read things all the time on how to train your dog not to do this, I follow it and he STILL does unwanted behavior. For example I want him to be more calm and patient so I have him wait before he eats and wait before he comes down the stairs like many guides said it would help with his excitement, after he waits he BOLTS and knocks me over he pees because he gets so excited. I keep trying things that don't work. For those that saying the problem is I don't take him out I wish that were the easy fix. I am really out of shape so I have him wear a weighted backpack for dogs and I run with him up and down the park hill and after that he STILL is so crazy and excitable in the house. I've raised my sister on my own since she was a baby because my parents were never there and it is different from something I feel I can't bond with because when I try to he hurts me physically and I know training should be able to fix everything but it hasn't. I grew up raising 3 dogs, I did the majority of the work but my brother was there to help too just like my husband is but I am having trouble with this dog. Before I got him I researched like CRAZY I knew everything and I thought it would be manageable. I used to love taking my dogs on walks because they didn't jump on people and pull me they were so easy to train but everything I try with him doesn't work. I knew he needed mental and physical stimulation and I gave him that, he knows over 30 tricks and that's one thing he listens to me about and we both love doing but everything else is so difficult with him no tactic I research works on him. I thought after he got neutered he would be more calm but nothing has changed even with trying and trying and being patient and waiting for him to listen.. I know you all are so hateful towards me because it is immoral that I don't want him anymore but I am keeping him and trying to deal with it. Thanks for being so horrible and saying I shouldn't have children, you are obviously so much better people than I am 👏🏼
Some of you were reasonable with being angry with me and I understand it's an upsetting situation but most of you took it too far and too personally. As I said earlier we're keeping our dog and even though we're exhausted and stressed and have tried everything we're going to keep trying and keep being patient towards him. 
I don't know if the horrible comment/s were deleted or not but my husband asked me why I was so distraught because he found me bawling and I showed him the post and comments and so he asked that I delete this app as he was completed shocked how horrible some of the people were saying I shouldn't have the child I'm about to have and that I obviously have no patience for a kid etc. I know how hurtful comments can be personally that is why whenever I have something mean to say about other people's posts I keep it to myself because I know as women we have to support each other. But I just personally can't take this kind of cruelness.
 I was emotionally and physically abused by my parents and bullied all throughout my schooling so I have horribly low self esteem that I am working through. Hearing things that have been said by some of you really deeply hurt me (to a point I don't want to explain) and my self-esteem is at an all time low. I hope it doesn't make you feel good to read that. I really hope that you ladies will be kinder to each other even if you don't agree because we need to support each other not bring each other down. So goodbye <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.nurture">Nurture</a> and all you amazing moms and moms to be, and thank you for the ones who stood up for me against some of the bullies. You are a light to the world and there have been very few people like you growing up standing up for me and others who have been bullied. The world needs less hateful people like some of these ladies and more people like you. Thank you again and best wishes