The Milk Controversy

odessa • med student 💉 | capricorn.
So, are you pro or anti milk/diary? I've come to find a shocking majority of people actually know nothing about milk and the harmful effects it has on the body...and so many people also can't seem to figure out that our bodies aren't meant to digest milk of any kind after around the ages of 2-5, let alone milk of another species. Milk inflames the stomach and your digestive track, and contrary to popular belief, milk DOESNT make your bones stronger but just the opposite, you don't absorb calcium through milk, and like I said, milk can have the reverse effect on your bones. Not to mention all the puss and hormones that's put into our milk.
I first learned about this in my nutrition class my freshman year of high school and from there did more research online and cut diary out of my life not long after.

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