It only gets worse (the dumbest thing ever said)

Lauren. • 28 years old. Happily married since 6/21/14. Loving being a mommy to my 2 amazing daughters!
Anyone who has been pregnant has heard from at least 500,000 people to "just wait, it only gets worse". Well, it doesn't! It gets so much better! Sure, you will have sleepless nights, crying for no reason, a feeling of failure (but don't aren't failing, just learning:)) and a body that you aren't familiar with...but having your child in your arms is seriously the most amazing feeling in the entire world! Today I changed my baby's diaper while out to eat. When I went back to the table and went to itch my nose I realized I still had poop stuck under my fingernail. It was nasty. But I also watched my baby shriek in happiness because I went over to pick her up and kiss her! That's literally all it takes to make you forget every single pain they have put you through! 41 weeks and a day of pregnancy, 36 hours of labor, 35 extra lbs, a c-section, a thousand bladder kicks, 5000 rib kicks, heartburn, nausea, a giant waddle, and a million other miserable things, and literally all it takes to make you forget is one smile! I don't care how hard it gets, having a beautiful, loving child is worth it all! Ignore the annoying people who want to project negativity on your pregnant! Life is what you make of it, and if you appreciate the tiny smiles, you will have everything you need to be happy!