Pcos-Metformin & Birth Control

Kaela • Mom of 3
I recently went to the e.r because of pain in my uterus. They did a c.t and it said I had free fluid. I got an ultrasound done with the o.b dr and my uterus lining was extra thick even after clotting and bleeding for almost 2 months. I had only been on b.c for a month to try to regulate my period. I have pcos also. The o.b prescribed metformin 500mg one week 1000mg the next and 1500mg the rest of the 2 months. I have been ttc for 2 years. Has taking both metformin and b.c helped anyone regulate and ovulate to conceive? I am wondering if anyone has had luck with this. I am so nervous I didn't want the b.c to begin with but they say it will help....