Just need to vent...dealing with child loss 💔


Hi my name is Melanie and I am the mother of Amelia Rose. She was stillborn at 23 weeks gestation on January 7th 2017, shortly after we learnt about her birth defect called CDH (congenital diafragmatic hernia) and echogenic kidneys. Her due date was on May 4th 2017. My husband and I held her for 4 and a half hours after her birth. She weighed exactly 1 pound, had mommy's lips and daddy's nose. She was so petite and her name suits her very well. We blessed her, kissed her and told her how much we love her.

I never thought I'd be downloading this <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">ovulation tracker</a> app so soon. I wish I was still pregnant with her. I am grieving such a terrible loss. I feel as though I am still a mother, and will forever be a mother to my sweet daughter Amelia, born too soon from an abnormality.

I wish all mothers who have suffered a loss peace of mind, and hope for the future. We gained an angel. I hope that this loss has taught you to love unconditionally. We are mothers ❤️

I have so much love to give. I'm sending everyone baby dust, especially to those who have suffered a loss and to those who have TTC for so long and have dealt with many negative tests... which I think is a loss all on its own. Please don't give up. All the best xo