My son had surgery monday 😢😢😢

My son is 7 months old. He was born with a condition called hypospadias which is where his pee hole goes down the side of his penis. On monday we went to the hospital where they corrected it and he has a catheter swen into the top of his penis until we go back tuesday. Hes unable to walker in his walker, jump in his jumparoo and hes barley able to get in his swing. His big brother whos 4 in a half is so upset because he cant play with him so hes acting up. Then the Thursday before my sons surgery i was in a car accident. Someone turned infront of me and i honestly feel so bad for the guy. It was definitely not my fault and he is the one at fault with the insurance but he only went because the guy in the lane next to me, going the same direction stopped and gave him the okay to turn and so he did, not seeing me. The guy who stopped should have to pay for everything but he drove off so i just feel so bad for the guy that i was in the wreck with. He was just trying to pull into work and now he has to pay for everything. It wasnt a bad wreck but im 6 months pregnant (yeah my youngest 2 wont even be a year a part, my SO got his vasectomy too late lol) and i had to spend all night in the hospital. So in other words, this past week has been reakly stressful on our family. 😥😥😥😥