Bummed out over ttc

Desiree • I'm a stay at home mom of four, and currently trying for a brother my eldest son who is 9.im a married women of three years, and I have three beautiful daughters.
Hey all I have a daughter that's almost a year and a half old and my husband and I have been trying for a brother for our daughter and my periods haven't been right... From when she was 5 months til March they were very long and now they last a week but never on the same date making my cycle strange af but now he's hardly home and I'm stressed out so much we fight over money, his friends and quality time and that's partly my fault and I feel so alone in this cause he's never home for us to try and it frustrates me to no end, I know stress and weight loss that's kinda recent doesn't help but if he really wants to try why stress me out?? Sorry so long..