I don't know what to do about my bf's porn addiction.

I'm coming to you guys anonymously because I don't really know how to approach this at this point. So here goes nothing, and a forewarning here that I do not mean to offend anyone whatsoever. And am not trying to be homophobic at all. My boyfriend and I have been in a relationship for 14 months now, and he's addicted to porn, but only one kind, and a TON of it - pre op trans. On the numerous occasions I go to search something up on google, I have usually always found at least three tabs up with that kind of porn in it. Whether it's solo cumshot, anal, or whatever, it's always there, and there's a ton of it. It... Confused me, to say the least so I confronted him once nicely about it and he completely diverted the conversation, or gets mad at me for bringing it up. Now here's the thing- I am extremely self conscious about myself and have had body image issues for as long as I know, and he's aware of that, and he also has extreme body issues, so I don't watch any porn because of him. In fact, it's not even something I think about anymore. I just want HIM. And I've asked him nicely to stop (watching it, regardless of what it is) so we could be only obsessed with our bodies, and he hasn't stopped at all. It's gotten to the point I'm getting really frustrated about it and need answers. I'm cis female however I have never ever ever had a problem with LGBTQ+ individuals nor do I now. This situation however is getting a little out of hand. Either there's a porn addiction issue at hand, or there's something he's not telling me.