The scariest day of my life (trigger maybe?) TMI

Nicah • Scarlett Drew, March 18th 2017💕
Yesterday, was the worst most scariest day of my life. I may have overreacted a little but who doesn't when it comes to their little ones. I'm 22+3 and yesterday when I went to pee, I was bleeding. It was in my underwear and in the toilet when I looked down. I've never been told that blood in pregnancy was normal, I thought it was a sign of a complication, I also noticed she hadn't kicked me all morning. I stared at it for a good five minutes until I realized I needed to get ahold of my husband. Then I found out they shut my phone off so I had no way to call or text anyone. I went down to my car to drive to my moms and realized my husband had both sets of keys on accident. I didn't stay calm, which probably didn't help the baby... I finally had an idea. I face booked my sister who lives a state away and asked her to call my mom or dad and thank goodness she responded very quickly. Both my mom and dad came to my home and took me to the hospital. When we got to the er they took me upstairs quickly and started strapping me into this thing so we could find the baby's heartbeat and I just can't tell you how wonderful it sounded... She was perfect and as soon as the monitors started squeezing my belly she kicked at them. I am so blessed and happy that she is okay, I don't know what I would do if something happened to her. But, when I asked why I was bleeding the nurse said sometimes it just happens. Is that true, I didn't know we could bleed and it be okay. Has anyone else had this? I would like to add that I haven't had sex for about a week and a half so I know that didn't cause it. They also tested me for a UTI and I don't have that as well.