c sections are easy

I've had two c sections so far. One for emergency, and one elective, due to complications. A lady I know told me that she would rather have had c sections when she had her kids (over 50 years ago). It made me so angry. I know that people can have traumatic labor stories, but who in their right mind would want to be put to sleep, be cut hip bone to hip bone, be the last one to see your baby after he/she is born, and then never be the same again in your belly? I can no longer wear underwear or anything that comes across that area. I give mom jeans and granny panties a whole new meaning. Anything riding that low is painful to my scar tissue, even years later. No more crunches or much of any exercise to try to tone my belly. Constant hanging skin. I'm sorry, but I am highly upset I had to miss out on having my baby naturally. I didn't choose to take this route. I labored for a very long time before being cut open. I'm sure she wouldn't want that part of it. Am I just being hormonal? Lol.