Newly Diagnosed

Peyton • Married to the love of my life 💍 22 💁🏼‍♀️ Vegan 🌱 Artist 🎨 TTC#1🤰🏼They/She
I just got back from the OB/GYN because I had a rash that was killer. I thought maybe it was just REALLY bad razor burn, and my boyfriend and I were joking around calling it herpes. We have been together for 1.5 years and we are both faithful, I have zero doubt that he's been 100% faithful. But I have herpes. He gets cold sores sometimes, but hasn't had one in a long time. Could it have been dormant from past sexual encounters? How am I going to live like this? I feel so dirty! Every time I have touched something today I feel like I'm infecting it... HELP ME FEEL NORMAL PLEASE 😢