Opinions?. Suggestions!?.

I'm going to start off saying me and my husband are both 18 almost 19, he's in the military, and obviously married. We've been together since we were 16. Since a few weeks of dating we've had sex... A LOT. We've only used a condom twice the entire time we've been together, and I'm not on birth control, we've been off and on about wanting a baby, but I think that I should get on the pill or the ring. But if I tell him that I feel like it'd upset him because he wants a son, his dad was never there for any part of him life, not for his graduation, or when he left for the Army, and told me he'd rather not see HIS OWN SON when he came back from boot camp. He wants to give a kid something that he's never had. But I'd be the one taking care of them all the time, I know I could do it but I'd rather both of us be there when our kid makes huge achievements, instead of them wondering when daddy comes home. 
I'm not really sure what I'm asking but any kind of advice would help. Please and thanks.