clomid and cramping

So I just finished taking my last 100mg of clomid last night. I've been experiencing cramping in my left ovary probably the last 3 days. It feels like full pinching that comes and goes. None on my right side which is good because my tube doesn't work on that side. I took an ovulation test today and saw the start of a second line. It was negative as I also took a digital to confirm. We did bd yesterday just in case ovulation happened sooner. I'm hoping the ovary discomfort means I've got some good sized follicles growing. Has anyone noticed this before? Did you ovulate days after the pain? I just have never had this noticeable of signs of growing follicles before. I'm trying to stay calm but I don't want to miss ovulation or find out at my ultrasound that I already ovulated. That's how I got pregnant before but the pregnancy ended at 9 weeks due to turner's syndrome. Please comment.