My Story: Pregnant again? Mixed emotions


So my m/c process started on Jan 26 at 6w4d. I went to the ER and my numbers had risen, but not as much as they should have. They were under a thousand. The doc called it a threatened miscarriage. My instincts knew better. I went home and woke up at 5am with the worst cramps ever. My 4 and a half year old daughter was asleep next to me so I couldn't go to the hospital to get a D&C like I wanted to (and had with my last miscarriage) so I had to suck it up and deal with the pain. I took 4 ibuprofen and laid in bed tossing and turning. My partner was currently out of town for work. He felt terrible he couldn't be there at that moment. I went through the process naturally as my daughter's father (my ex husband) worked full time as well so I had nobody to watch her while I had the procedure done. So I had to be a single mother while dealing through the emotional and physical pain of the miscarriage. I have to say that was the hardest part this time around. I really wish I could have just had the D&C so I could have worked on moving past it emotionally without the constant physical reminders.

My current partner has been amazingly supportive. I honestly could not have asked for anything better. When I went through my first miscarriage, my fiance at the time was horrible. Not only was he not very supportive, I found out a week later he was cheating on me. So this is a far cry in the best possible way. He has been reminding me that we can try again and at the same time telling me that if it doesn't happen, we are family as is and we will get by.

So we have been talking about trying again and not actively doing so, but not preventing. I have been preparing to though. I have bought ovulation kits, started taking FertilAid, OvaBoost, etc. It has been right at a month. I have not got a period yet. And for the past week I have been feeling very sick. Every morning when I wake up I feel very nauseated. My boobs have been so sore it's not even funny. More than they have ever been during my period, but I have been convinced it's PMS. After all this is right when my period is due. Well this morning when I woke up I felt pain on both sides of my stomach kind of where my ovaries are and it felt a little like round ligament pain, which threw me off. I have a history of ovarian cysts, but that's usually only on one ovary at a time. And that made me question whether I might be pregnant. I went digging through my bathroom drawers to see if I still had a test left and I did not l, but I did have the ovulation tests and for some reason, I took one. And it showed a faint positive. I Googled whether a OPK could mean you're pregnant and it said in theory, yes. So I hopped in my car and ran to the drugstore and bought a box of 2 First Response pregnancy tests. I immediately took one, not knowing if it would even give me an accurate result considering it had been less than an hour since I peed. Expecting to be disappointed with a negative result. Surprisingly, I got a faint positive. I will take the other test in the morning. But I guess that means that I am pregnant again. I have gotten a negative test since my miscarriage so I know this is not residual HCG. I am a ball of nerves right now. I am so excited and scared. My partner is still at work though I have told him and sent him a picture of the test and he is cautiously excited like myself.