Relationship advice.. opinions encouraged

Courtney • CMT major 👩🏻‍🎓👷🏻‍♀️ | 💜 WSU | Colby D Simmons 💕 | PCOS fighter 👊|
I've been in a relationship for 13 months. These past few weeks we have stoped talking to eachother as much as we used to. I brought it up to him and he said that it's just cause he has to work a lot. While he is working I don't really text him unless it's important. After work he goes to his friends house and stays there until 2 or 3 in the morning. While he is there he won't message me hardly at all. Tonight I brought it up to him since he didn't go to his friends house tonight and I found out that he hasn't been telling me hardly anything that's been going on. I suffer from anxiety and depression and I let him know what happens to me and when I'm having a hard time. Normally he lets me know when he's having a hard time too.. but recently I can't tell him anything and he won't tell me anything either. The only time we really talk to each other is when we argue.. I don't want to end it or lose him.. idk what to do..