'Swaying children' 🙄

News has come out that there will be a gay character in the new adaptation of 'Beauty and the Beast' and people are going ape shit. Le Fou could arguable have been gay in the original seeing as he is obsessed with Gastons muscles and what not so why the big deal that he 's going to be all doe eyed in the remake? This is a film about a princess who falls in love with a beast - an animal-looking man, and people are grossed out about the Le Fou's feelings towards another human being of the same gender? If your kid comes out of the closet after watching this, your child had been struggling with they sexuality beforehand and this maybe made them aware and you should be happy they have come to terms with who they are. A film can't turn someone gay just like it can't turn someone to bestiality. I think Disney have gone the wrong way with over publicising it because it shouldn't really be so newsworthy because guess what - gay people exist and it's fine! I just wanted to get my view out there, anyone got anything to add?Â