Am I being a bridezilla?? 🤔

So I keep worrying that I'm coming off as a bridezilla, is anyone else having this problem?? 😂
I have 6 bridesmaids and I have had no intention at all to ask them to spend more than $100 on their bridesmaid attire! I'm a bride on a budget, I wouldn't ever ask them to spend a lot of money! So I've searched high and low to find the right blazer for these guys which match the dresses (3 of them are guys) and they WONT HELP ME OUT HERE. Y'ALL I'm trying to get you to order these jackets now because they're on sale! Help me help you! It's a bunch of little stuff like this I just keep having to bug people about 😂 DONT MAKE ME FEEL LIKE A BRIDEZILLA Y'ALL JUST HELP ME OUT. Right??! 😂