relationship problems. Please help me.

I need advice ladies. My boyfriend and I have been dating for 2 years. We have recently lost our twins due to miscarriage and I don't know if what I am about to tell you is the reason for it or if he's found somewhere else to get it but here goes...
He knows I want to try for another baby. And he even said he would. Here recently, he hasn't had sex with me at all. When I make the first move, every single time he turns me down. But all the other times I let him have it when he wanted to. I don't believe that's fair. I confronted him about it tonight and he got all offensive. He told me he never wants sex and that all the other times he did it was to make me happy only. HE TOLD ME TO GO BUY A TOY! What do you guys think? Is he scared because we just had a miscarriage? Is he scared because he really doesn't want a baby right now and he's scared I'll get pregnant again? Or is he not having sex with me because he's getting it from somewhere else!? I can't talk about it with him because he gets defensive towards me. I don't know what to think. Please help.